Month: May 2015

  • Kuliner Enak Murah di Sukawati Bali

    Abis bergerah-gerah belanja di pasar Sukawati yang bikin pusing, bikin juga perut kita keroncongan. Gak banyak kuliner di sekitar pasar ini, tapi jangan lewatkan deh makan sate trenggirinya pak Nyoman alias Sate Komang…hohoho..sate nya kecil mericil sekali suap abis satu tusuk, rasanya maknyos apalagi buat pecinta pedas, kalo gak mw pedas tinggal bilang gak pake…

  • Seminar Syariah ASCARYA

    Tanggal 19 Juni 2010 saya mengikuti seminar di SBM ITB yang membahas dua paper dari ASCARYA (Peneliti Bank Indonesia). Paper pertama berjudul “The Lack of Profit and Loss Sharing Financing in Indonesia Islamic Banks : Revisited”. Paper kedua berjudul Lesson Learned from REPEATED FINANCIAL CRISES: An Islamic Economic Perspective”. Saya akan mengulas hasil paper pertama…

  • Pengalaman Artikel Koran Pertama

    engalaman pertama nulis artikel di koran Pikiran Rakyat hmmm susah juga. Susahnya, gw biasa nulis jurnal atau artikel ilmiah, nah pas buat tulisan yang harus dimengerti banyak orang, ternyata puyeng hee..revisi berulang kali untuk bisa menginformasikan ide kita. Nah ini hasilnya, baca ye…jelek2 gini, artikel TMB menghasilkan prestasi tauu, terpilih oleh Dikti untuk riset DIVA,…

  • Summary-History Of Management Thought-Management Theory and Science

    CHAPTER 19 MANAGEMENT THEORY AND PRACTICE RESUME by Alamanda In this period, management scholar turned from a shop-level management orientation to general management theory. THE RENAISSANCE OF GENERAL MANAGEMENT It is easy to forget just how ancient the practice of management is. Only within the last century did people begin to reflect systematically on their…

  • Summary-History Of Management Thought-The Social Person Era in Retrospect-a book of Daniel A Wren

    CHAPTER 18. THE SOCIAL PERSON ERA IN RETROSPECT Resume by Alamanda THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT: FROM DEPRESSION TO PROSPERITY The 1920s were prosperous, characterized by price stability, a doubling of industrial productivity, and a 55 percent rise in the real income of individuals By November 13, 1929, the stock value lost totaled $30bilion, and more than…

  • Summary-History Of Management Thought-Spreading The Gospel Of Efficiency-A book of Daniel A Wren

    CHAPTER8. SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF EFFIENCY RESUME DINI TURIPANAM ALAMANDA The Most Orthodox: Carl Barth o Job Histories : A leading machine – Chief Machine designer – Sellers – teacher & manual trader – Instructor at Ethical Culture Day School o At first time, with Taylor, he handles the complex mathematical problems in Taylor metal-cutting…

  • Summary-History Of Management Thought-Scientific Management Inrestrospect-A Book of Daniel A Wren

    CHAPTER12. SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT INRETROSPECT DINI TURIPANAM ALAMANDA THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT: FROM THE FARM TO THE FACTORY The Rationalization Of Resource Utilization Henry Carey (1793-1879), brought the optimism of Adam Smith to US economic thought. He reasoning attendant and may have influenced Taylor’s mental revolution Gilberths sought economy motion and waste reduction, and their system books…

  • Summary-History Of Management Thought-Organization and People

    CHAPTER 16. RESUME ORGANIZATION and PEOPLE DINI TURIPANAM ALAMANDA Topic: Interest is and concern for organizational structure, authority, coordination, span of control, and other issue relevant to organizational design an increasing concern for a top-management viewpoint that preceded renewed interest in the work of Henry Fayol antecedents to later thinking about the nature of the…

  • Summary-History Of Management Thought-The Human Factor

    Chapter9. The Human Factor: Preparing the Way DINI TURIPANAM ALAMANDA PERSONEL MANAGEMENT: A DUAL HERITAGE 1. The notion of personnel work as “welfare” or industrial betterment 2. Scientific management Personnel as Welfare Work Several companies hired a welfare secretary, who happened to have many duties, to advise management. In some cases, their duties seem to…

  • summary-History Of Management Thought-Scientific Management in theory and practice

    Chapter 11 Scientific Management in theory and practice   Taylor and other pioneers and also some individuals bring movement to made scientific management formalize in college curricula, so the practice can be found at US industry and also other countries, then the ideas spread into other discipline and factory management. The Study and Practice of…