Central Tendency 2 Camera

The Cost of 14 models of 15-megapixel digital cameras at a camera specialty store during 2014 was as follows.

340         450         450         280         220         340         290

370         400         310         340         430         270         380


  1. Compute the mean, median, first quartile and third quartile
  2. Compute the range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation and a coefficient of variation
  3. Based on the result what conclusions can you reach concerning the price of 15-megapixel digital cameras at a camera specialty store during 2014?

10 responses to “Central Tendency 2 Camera”

  1. Name: Rendi Haryadi Dharmawan
    NIM : 1401164185

    Thank you for your data and the questions. It makes me to train more and more again

  2. Name : Hardin Zuhdi Santoso
    NIM: 1401164105

    Had difficulties at first but then after checking my notes and asking my friend i was able to overcome that

  3. NIM: 1401160230
    Class: MB-40-INT-2

    thank you for your question, it really helps me to exercise more about this subject.

  4. NIM: 1401160292
    Class : MB-40-INT-3
    Thanks for the question , it really effective to push me exercise this subject

  5. Hello, Sir. My name is Putri Monalisa from MB-40-INT-3 class. My NIM is 1401160623. I’d like to thank you for giving us this exercise, it really help me a lot to understand about the topic more. I hope you will give us more exercise so we can understand more about the topic. Thank you Sir

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